Happy Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend can be one of the last busy times for the lake lot. Hopefully, you have had some great memories down there during the summer of 2017.  Be sure to make a few more when the weather is great.


  1. The HOA needs to post some signs at the lake stating no fireworks.There is 3 to 4 ft of dried leaves and debris and downed trees on the hillside where hoa property borders my property.I have talked to a fireman and he has stated that no fireworks should be done down there.In the past I have had firework debris land on my driveway that came from beach area.luckily it was wet out.He also said there should not be bonfires on the beach because of embers, especially on a windy day.Because some people lack common sense there should be a end to these activities.I don't want to be the bad guy here but if anyone is doing fireworks down there and burning a bonfire I am going to put a stop to it and I will call the sheriff's department.I expect the HOA to back me up on this because this is something that concerns everyone in northlakes.If a fire were to start it would take out the whole development and grace chapel rd and that's coming from a fireman.

    1. Thanks for sharing your concerns. Fires should only be on private property and fires should not be on HOA common grounds. Most of the time people follow these rules, while a few times people need a reminder. Thanks in helping keep our neighborhood safe. We will explore the costs of adding no fireworks signs to the HOA common areas.


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